Warranty terms and conditions

– JANFORD LIMITED  has an option to repair the products, which become out of order under normal use, free of charge in the product guarantee period. The replaced defective parts shall become the company’s property.

– Full manufacturer’s warranty and product support can only be provided on the products purchased at official retailers

– Warranty period begin from the day of purchase. You must have the original dated purchase receipt from an authorised FANAWAY retailer. Warranty is not effective without this documentation.

– This warranty is only valid in Hong Kong.



– 宇鋒有限公司之用戶在產品保用期內,正常使用之情況下,如發覺機件失效,經本公司查驗屬實,在產品保用期內將可獲免費修理及更換零件等服務,而所有換出的損壞零件均屬本公司所有。

– 此產品之保養及維修, 只限於在指定特約經銷商購買的產品。

– 保用期從購買之日開始計算。於維修時, 必須出示在指定特約經銷商購買之收據正本方為有效。

– 此產品之保養只在香港有效。


Warranty Period


Please select your fan carefully and discuss your needs with a sales professional who knows your local area. Fans that do not perform as expected and which are not faulty cannot be replaced or exchanged under warranty. Proper performance relies on the right fan being correctly installed in the optimum location.

– FANAWAY fans provide 1 year in-home full warranty (including motor, remote & receiver) & motor warranty only for the second year. The warranty will not cover external appearance or finish of any part of the ceiling fan. Limitations apply regarding corrosion damage when not maintained (e.g. cleaned) regularly.

– FANAWAY fans are designed and recommended for indoor use only. The warranty will not cover ceiling fans installed outdoors.

– Blades must be replaced only as a complete set. Blades are supplied only as a set and the replacement of individual blades may void the warranty by causing mechanical damage to the motor, excessive noise or premature wear.




請於購買時仔細選擇您的吊扇,並與專業的銷售員提供您的需求,選擇最合適的吊扇。如吊扇並沒有故障, 於保用期內是不能作出更換或交換。吊扇應安裝在最佳位置才能發揮其適當的性能。

–  FANAWAY吊扇具有1年全保(包括摩打, 遙控及遙控接收器)及第2年的淨摩打保用。保用不包括有關吊扇外觀方面的情況。如因購買者不正確地清洗而導致機身腐蝕損壞, 本公司怒不負責。

–  FANAWAY吊扇僅適用於室內安裝。安裝在室外的吊扇並不在保修範圍之內。

– 如需更換風葉必須作整套更換, 只更換單一風葉會造成機械損壞, 噪音過高或令機件磨損, 保用便會因而失效。



– All FANAWAY remote controls have a 12 month in-home warranty period for the remote control receiver and a 12 month parts only warranty for the handpiece. The term “remote control" means the handset and the receiver connected to the fan. Remote controls supplied as part of a “fan + remote" package deal are only covered by the above 12 months warranty.

– Please note the remote control receiver is not part of the fan, instead being a separately connected accessory device. The remote control receiver is often fitted into the fan mounting bracket for convenience but is not an integral part of the fan and not covered by the warranty provisions of the fan itself.

– Resetting of DIP switches in remote handpieces is not covered by warranty and a service call fee will apply.

– Batteries, if supplied, are done so as a complimentary (free) item only and not covered by warranty.



– 所有FANAWAY的遙控及接收器均有12個月的的保用。 “遙控”一詞是指連接至吊扇的手掣和接收器。

– 請注意遙控接收器並不是吊扇的一部分,而是作為一個單獨連接手掣的附屬設備。遙控接收器通常被安裝到吊扇安裝支架內, 但它並不是吊扇的組成部分, 因此它並不涉及吊扇本身的保修規定。

– 在遙控重置DIP開關按鈕並不包括保修範圍內




– Light Globes, if supplied, are done so as a complimentary (free) item only and not covered by warranty.



-如吊扇附有免費的燈膽, 燈膽並不包括在保修範圍內。


Warranty Transfer

If the ownership changes on the dwelling where the fan or remote control is installed, the balance of the warranty period passes to the new owner, providing the original dated purchase receipt from an authorised FANAWAY retailer are retained by the new owner. Warranty does not cover any damages to the fan or the remote controller if it is moved from one dwelling to another during the warranty period. The warranty is voided in total if the product is sold separately as second hand goods.



在保修期內, 如吊扇所安裝的住宅業權有變, 則吊扇或遙控所剩餘之保用亦可轉移到該住宅的新擁有人處, 但新擁有人必須保留在指定特約經銷商購買的收據正本, 保修方為有效。但如果是在保修期內,因吊扇或遙控器從一個住處轉移及安裝於另一住處而至產品有任何損壞, 則會令此保修無效。 另外, 如產品被當為二手貨物出售, 就算保修期未過, 保修亦會無效。


What is Not Covered By Warranty

Warranty does not cover the following;

• Ceiling fans that are not installed by qualified and licensed electricians

• Damages caused by the user or installer and not caused by a fault in the product materials or workmanship

• Damages caused by force-majeure, electrical surges, lightning, power grid fluctuations or water

• Damages casued by incorrect voltage

• Dirt removal and external cleaning work

• Incorrect installations like improper connections of remote control receiver & the handpiece

• Globes and tubes are not covered by this warranty

• Power supply “noise” or other influences from power delivery infrastructure.

• Water damage of any kind

• This product warranty excludes liability for consequential loss or claims for damage to furniture, carpets, walls, ceilings, foundations or any other event either directly or indirectly resulting from a faulty ceiling fan or accessory product

• Damage caused by alternative power systems (i.e. solar inverters, etc.)

• Unauthorised repairs or modifications

• FANAWAY fans not purchased and installed in Hong Kong





•產品本身並無故障, 但因使用不當或安裝引起的損壞








•本產品保修不包括因吊扇或其配件產品有問題而直接或間接對家具如地毯, 地板等或基建如牆壁, 天花等造成的任何損毀





A service call fee will be charged if; 

• Ceiling fans that are not installed by a qualified and licensed electricians

• If goods are found to be free of defects

• The installation is not done in accordance with FANAWAY instructions

• The defects have been caused by incorrect application or abuse of the product

In case of any dispute, the company reserves the right for final judgement and decision.


以下情況如要本公上門維修, 本公司將會收取服務費用











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