Q?Why the fan doesn’t move? 為什麼吊扇不動?

-Check main power has been turned ON

-Check circuit breakers and fuses, reset breakers & replace fuses

-Check the wire connections at ceiling & wall control, reconnect according to user manual (turn power off when checking)

-Check that the reverse switch is firmly in one position – usually located on the top of the fan





Q?Why are there noise from the fan? 為什麼吊扇有噪音?

-Usually noise is generated from the motor & should be accepted . However, if huge noise is encountered, check if all fittings (light dome, canopy, etc) are firmly secured.  Loose parts may cause vibration noise or humming.

-Make sure to use the approved speed control, a non-approved speed control may cause motor noise




Q?Why doesn’t the light work or flickering? 為什麼燈泡不亮或閃爍?

-Make sure the globe is correctly installed

-Check if the globe functions properly

-Check the main power has been turned ON




Q?Why the fan (or light) doesn’t respond to remote? 為什麼遙控不能控制吊扇(或燈)?

-Check if the battery on the remote is charged

-Check the settings are the same on sending and receiving units



Q?How to clean the fan? 如何清潔吊扇?

-Simply pull the blades out when the fan is turned off,  hold onto two blades and slowly pull them out in the same direction that the blades would usually open, the mechanism is fairly tight so you need to use a bit of pressure to pull them out. Make sure you pull both two blades at the same time as pulling one could cause damage as the pressure is too much over the 1 blade. Once you have them out you can wipe them down with warm soapy water on a cloth

-For the surface of motor part & downrod, simply wipe by dry cloth, do not use wet cloth to avoid chances of getting rust

-關閉電源, 輕輕地把兩片風扇葉片慢慢拉出來,葉片會向同一開方向打,請注意吊扇的機械裝置是相當緊的, 所以你需要用少許力把它們拉出。請確保你於同一時間將兩塊葉片拉出, 如只拉出其中一塊葉片,  可能會對產品造成損害。將兩塊葉片拉出之後, 你可以用布及溫肥皂水擦拭

-摩打及吊桿表面,只需用乾布擦拭, 請不要用濕布, 以避免表面有機會生鏽


Q?Why the fan turns but does not move much air? 為什麼開啟吊扇,但感受不到風力?

-Check that the fan is not in ‘winter mode’.  When in the ‘summer mode’ the fan will rotate in an clockwise direction when viewed from beneath.  To change between winter and summer modes use the reversing switch located on the top of the fan body

-Make sure there is sufficient distance between the ceiling and blades for air convection

-For high ceilings, consider using an extension down rod to bring the fan closer to the floor

-檢查吊扇是不是在“冬季模式”。當風扇在“夏季模式”扇葉僧向順時針方向旋轉。要切換冬季和夏季模式, 請使用位於吊扇頂部的開關掣

-確保吊扇風葉和天花之間有足夠的距離,  加強空氣的對流

-如天花板距離地面比正常為多, 請考慮使用延伸吊桿令吊扇更接近地板

Q?Can I install Fanaway outdoor? Fanaway是否可安裝在戶外?

-No, Fanaway ceiling fan can only be intalled in indoor locations which is protected from moisture

– 不可,Fanaway吊扇只能安裝在室內及受防潮保護的位置

Q?What is the use of reversible option on the fan? 什麼是可逆轉功能?

-All Fanaway fan have Summer/ Winter reversible option, the switch can be easily found on the top of the fan. When Summer mode is switched on, the blades of the fan will rotate in clockwise direction, generating the cool downwards air breeze. While in Winter mode, the blades of the fan will rotate in anti-clockwise direction, circulating the warm air trapped at ceiling level & bring it back down to the gound level. The reversible option of the fan can effectively reduce the cost of the bills.


Q?Why are there noise when the fan is turned off and the blades are retracting? 當吊扇關閉及風葉收合時為什麼會有聲音?

-The Fanaway fan uses a combination of patented gears and springs, these gears and springs are designed to give years of trouble free opening and closing of the blades, however due to this long life design, occasionally you may hear a noise when the fan is turned off and the blades are retracting, this noise may be louder in some fans than other fans and is unfortunately unavoidable, yet this has no affect to the performance or life of the fan.

-Fanaway 吊扇採用專利設計齒輪和彈簧的組合,這些設計可令吊扇更加耐用,但亦因此持久耐用的設計,當關閉吊扇和在扇葉收合時,機件會發出一些聲音,但這些聲音並不會對吊扇的運作及耐用程度有影響。

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